A couple of months ago I decided to make a pie with a vanilla wafer crust (unfortunatly I wasn't taking pictures of what I baked at that time so I have none to post). Anyways, I didn't have any on hand, and even if I did, I'm pretty syre I still would have tried this recipe
http://bakingbites.com/2008/07/mini-vanilla-wafer-cookies/ from
http://bakingbites.com/. To call these cookies vanilla wafer cookies are an insult. These cookies were beyond what you would find in a box/package of vanilla wafers. These were more flaky yet still crispy..and just plain delicious! They also held there shape really well especially when you add a little extra flour which made an unnoticable difference within the texture of the cookies.
My little cousins birthday was coming up and I wanted to bake her something simple, easy to grasp, yummy, and a little more than simple. I thought of making letters that would spell out her name and used the vanilla cookie recipe knowing it would hold its shape and taste delicious.
The taste and texture of the cookies definitally didn't dissapoint, but I wanted to add some color to them to really get my newly
3 year old cousin's attention. And whats more simple and tasty then chocolate (as the glue) and lots of colorful sprinkles.

This recipe was such a hit that when my neighbors invited us over for their monthly pizza night, I used this recipe again to bake them these amazing cookies.
This time I shaped them a bit differently, piping them into little 'S' swirls.

I also added some cocoa to the second half of the batter to add some variety which tasted just as good..I mean, what doesn't chocolate taste good in?!

Knowing a majority of the people would be kids, in my attempt to making the cookies look even more kids friendly, I again gave them a coating of chocolate and sprinkles

^sprinkles & ^ chocolate & ^cookies...oh my!

I used a bit of a different design with the chocolate/sprinkles for the chocolate cookies

Even when these cookies were covered in sprinkles and where placed next to more elegant cookies the neighbors had bought, all the adults had at least one of these cookies instead, and a decent amount ate 2 of them, using the excuse of having to sample
both chocolate and vanilla flavors ;p